Money Metals News Service

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China Puts Oil on a Gold Standard

The Chinese are preparing to launch an oil futures contract denominated in yuan and redeemable in gold. That is very bad news for the petro-dollar and for U.S. hegemony in the oil trade....

Clint Siegner

Clint Siegner

September 5th, 2017

Gold Breaks Out 2017

Alert: Gold Breaks Out to New 2017 High

Gold's naysayers and doubters came out in full force earlier this summer as sentiment reached its nadir. The mid-year pullback in prices did, too. There can be no doubt about it now – gold has broke...

Stefan Gleason

Stefan Gleason

August 29th, 2017

China's Get the Gold Plan: Part II

In January, 2015, I penned an essay titled China's Global Gold Supply Game of Stones, outlining China's long-range goal to dominate the world's physical gold market. Well, events have moved massivel...

David Smith

David Smith

August 23rd, 2017

Rattle Gold Markets

Autumn of Discontent

Investors have been well-trained in complacency. They have spent the past few years watching markets shrug off momentous geopolitical events – each more quickly than the last. Brexit's impact faded ...

Clint Siegner

Clint Siegner

August 21st, 2017

Blue Dress Shirt

Debt, Dollars, Dow, War, Silver and Shirts

Dollars are created as debt. More dollars in circulation = more debt. More debt means consumption is "pulled forward" from the future so consumption can occur now. This usually ends badly....

Gary Christenson

Gary Christenson

August 16th, 2017