Money Metals News Service

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trust in government

Trust in Government Hits New Lows

Gallup just measured approval for Congress at 8%. That is down 16 points from the longer term average of 24%. Only a third of Americans support the President....

Clint Siegner

Clint Siegner

June 22nd, 2015

Precious Metals Market Sentiment

Sentiment Stinks... And That's a Good Sign

Markets typically bottom out when popular sentiment is negative. And a recent analysis by Bloomberg confirms that the public has all but given up on precious metals. Assets in exchange-traded products...

Stefan Gleason

Stefan Gleason

June 8th, 2015

survival goods

Are you prepared... for anything?

Money Metals has never been able to bring you anything quite like this... Until now. So it's vital that you are aware of our latest step in meeting your needs......

Stefan Gleason

Stefan Gleason

June 3rd, 2015

Liar loans

Are You Banking with a Criminal Enterprise?

As Mark Twain would say, history rhymed on May 20th when four of the world's largest banks – including JPMorgan Chase and Citibank here in the U.S. – agreed to plead guilty to criminally rigging c...

Clint Siegner

Clint Siegner

June 1st, 2015