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Customer Reviews
My experience with Money Metals Exchange was the best. I will only be buying my precious metals from Money Metals.
- Landry S.
Only ONE! Money Metals Exchange. Your Pricing is up-front, truth-full and very reasonable.
- Cathy C.
The sales person was very knowledgeable, polite and did not try to talk me into something I did not want. Thank You!
- Ginny P.
I consider Money Metals' Monthly Accumulation Program to be the Best way to buy Silver.
- Tim P.
We appreciate your HONEST business dealings with us and your readiness and skill to help with our needs. Thank You!
- Ann M.
Money Metals Exchange is the best for the following reasons: (1) Communication... (2) Product Inventory...
- Fletcher E.
The monthly accumulation program gives you the discipline necessary for good management of your resources.
- Stuart L.
Very excellent - looked around and no one delivers the quality price & performance that you do!
- Gary L.
Great notification of ALL my purchases.
- Bernard R.
Nice to do business with Folks who know what they're doing and how to do it, and then actually DO IT. Thanks.
- Jim C.
I feel safe doing business with Money Metals Exchange. If I need to sell, I feel that I'll have a method to do so.
- Page P.
I enjoyed your courteous sales reps, the method of payment, and the time reps take to explain how to obtain more for my money...
- Jeffery B.
The specialist who handled 3 of the 4 purchases, including the 3 referrals was superb in all respects...
- Dr. Reed P.
I appreciate your honest no-hassle approach to sales - without the pressure and hype that some companies use.
- George K.
Money Metals Exchange is the most professional, knowledgeable, quickest, and easiest means of purchasing silver that I have found.
- David L.
Very smooth, problem-free experience. The Money Metals Exchange specialist has always been helpful, friendly & professional.
- David M.
I believe Money Metals Exchange cares about my well being and provides a valuable service in these economic times.
- Gary R.
I have been in the Monthly Accumulation Program for approx. 5 months and am so pleased I have made 2 additional separate orders.
- Mark C.
Nice easy way to buy silver coins. Money Metals Exchange had the best price, right up to minute of the market price.
- Tim M.
I have made many referrals to Money Metals Exchange, and two of my referrals have enrolled in the monthly accumulation program.
- Michael F.
As a first time buyer, I appreciated the patience extended to me when making my first purchase. You instilled me with confidence.
- Beverly M.
It was done "Right-On-Time" - It came when expected and I appreciate the letter telling me it was being shipped.
- Lola F.
Predictable, Reliable, On Time. Customer service was personal, and I was satisfied with your range of products.
- Miles C.
I especially like your buy-back program, you pay the spot price, where as some dealers only pay half of the coins worth...
- Donny F.
I discovered Money Metals Exchange and was pleasantly surprised at your honest and simple approach to business.
- Ted Z.
As a member of your Monthly Accumulation Program, all my contacts with your staff have been professional and courteous. You are my Favorite!
- Richard G.
Money Metals Exchange is FIRST CLASS ALL THE WAY!!
- Clarence C.
They even answer questions I didn't know to ask - so VERY knowledgeable & helpful that I would order Silver NO where else.
- Karen T.
My specialist could tell I was without experience in purchasing Precious Metals, after a few minutes he made me feel like a pro!
- Ronald W.