Money Metals News Service

Important precious metals market news and pithy commentary for savvy investors. High-quality issue briefs, gold and silver price charts, and breaking news alerts. Join over 1.2 million individuals who receive our email news alerts.

what is the price of gold featured

What’s the Price of Gold? It Depends.

When someone asks what the price of gold is, the answer depends on which gold market he means. In most cases, the different gold markets are close enough that the minor differences are insignificant....

Keith Weiner

Keith Weiner

September 17th, 2020

why is gold and silver going up featured

The Gold and Silver Dam Breaketh

Ask precious metals' holders and chart technicians what in the last 6-8 weeks stands out in their mind and they will point to the breakout of gold and silver above areas which had contained them for a...

David Smith

David Smith

August 18th, 2020